Bill O'Reilly Falafel Lawsuit Turns Ten

Celebrate the filing of the greatest lawsuit ever

Bill O'Reilly's loofah

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O'Reilly Suit Turns 10

OCTOBER 13--Today marks the tenth anniversary of the filing of the greatest lawsuit ever.

On this date in 2004, Bill O’Reilly was accused of sexual harassment by Andrea Mackris, an associate producer who worked with the TV host at Fox News Channel. Mackris’s New York State Supreme Court complaint is bursting with examples of the 65-year-old O’Reilly’s alleged sleaziness (which apparently was surreptitiously memorialized via Mackris’s tape recorder).

The lawsuit was settled within two weeks and the parties agreed to confidentiality provisions intended to shroud O’Reilly’s purportedly pervy ways. The legal settlement reportedly included a fat check for the 43-year-old Mackris, who said that O’Reilly could be “paternal and engaging” and then “tyrannical and menacing.”

A decade later, Mackris’s complaint--filed by attorney Benedict Morelli--remains a better read than any of O’Reilly’s subsequent best sellers. Mainly because the lawsuit includes topics such as:

So, put aside a few minutes and enjoy the lawsuit again for the first time (23 pages)