Jail Guard Busted In Cookie For Nookie Scheme
Police: Screw, 58, bartered sweets for favors

MARCH 7--A corrections officer has been charged with providing a 22-year-old female inmate with homemade chocolate chip cookies in exchage for sexual contact, police charge.
According to a probable cause affidavit, Abner Canda--a 58-year-old guard at the county jail in Everett, Washington--engaged in several sexual interations with the inmate, who is only identified by the initials “C.D.”
The woman told investigators that, “I showed him my breasts, willingly for some food” last May. After being released from the jail, she returned to the lockup in October and soon had another illicit encounter with the married Canda, who began working as a corrections officer in 2007.
Canda, the inmate said, came to her room in mid-November and “kissed me and touched my breasts and also put his hand down my pants and placed his finger inside of [my vagina],” according to the Superior Court affidavit. On a subsequent occasion, Canda performed oral sex on “C.D.”
The inmate told police that, “in exchange for the aforementioned sexual favors, Defendant gave her homemade chocolate chip cookies.”
“C.D.” said that she decided to tell investigators about her encounters with Canda because she felt “guilty for doing what I did,” adding that, “I’m ashamed for my actions that’s why I’m saying something.”
In light of “C.D.”’s claims, detectives spoke with other female inmates, “at least two of whom suggested that they…had sexual contact” with Canda. One of the women “even claimed that she had been, in her words, ‘dating’ Defendant while an inmate.”
Canda was charged this week with custodial sexual misconduct, a felony, for his alleged sexual encounters with “C.D.” Canda has been on paid administrative leave from his jail post since January. (3 pages)