DOCUMENT: Investigation, Crime

FBI: Suspect Sent Child Porn In Cop's Name

White supremacist targeted over bizarre e-mail plot


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Sean Price Warrants

JUNE 28--In an apparent attempt to frame a state trooper investigating him, a West Virginia man allegedly opened an e-mail account in the police officer's name and used it to send multiple illicit images of children to law enforcement and media outlets, according to FBI affidavits.

Federal investigators suspect that the bizarre scheme was hatched by Sean Price, a 34-year-old white supremacist who is the subject of an ongoing child pornography investigation. As part of that probe, Sergeant James Kozik, a state trooper who investigates crimes against children, executed a search warrant at Price’s Weirton residence on April 18.

The raid at Price’s home was prompted by his alleged posting last year of several illicit images to a public Photobucket account, as well as comments he made in an online forum about a notorious child pornography film showing a father having sex with his 10-year-old daughter. “I have some of the clips,” he wrote. “Anyone know where ot get long ones?” In a follow-up he noted, “I mean I am willing to trade TONS of other for a link or something.”

An excerpt from the state search warrant--sworn by Kozik--for Price’s home can be found here.

During the April search, Kozik and other investigators seized Price’s custom-built computer, three hard drives, and a large number of computer discs (the material is now being reviewed by the West Virginia State Police to determine if child pornography is present). In a TSG interview, Price--pictured in the above mug shots--accused investigators of intimidating his fiancée and threatening to shoot his dog as they raided his Washington Street residence.

Price allegedly retaliated against Kozik by creating a false Gmail account bearing the law enforcement agent’s name (, according to a search warrant application filed last week in U.S. District Court in Wheeling. FBI Agent Lawrence Quigley alleged that Price then used the sham address to send messages containing 17 attachments of “explicit child pornography” to 37 recipients, “which included but was not limited to law enforcement officials and members of the media.”

“This is just a small sampling of what I have to offer,” the e-mail read. “I have a large collection of this material and I am always looking to acquire more as well help other collectors of discerning taste with their collections as well.” The message, which included Kozik’s actual government e-mail address and his cellular phone number, concluded, “Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hearing from you again soon. James.”

Investigators immediately suspected that Price was masquerading as Kozik. Agent Quigley noted that he was advised by Kozik that some of the illicit photos sent out had “come from a child pornography series that Price told Sergeant Kozik he was interested in.” Kozik also told Quigley that in April he gave Price his cell number. FBI agents have served a search warrant on Google for account and log-in details for, as well as all messages sent, received, or deleted from it in 2011.

In an interview, Price denied any connection to the Gmail account or the e-mail distribution of the 17 child pornography images. 

A second FBI affidavit reveals that, on June 1, Kozik received a bizarre, three-page e-mail from a white supremacist group calling itself “RaHoWa 1488.” In a “declaration of war,” the outfit pledged to exterminate those responsible for corrupting “the minds and bodies of our white youth” through drug dealing. The group added that it would “remember others who were innocently victimized by people in positions of authority.”

“RaHoWa” is an acronym for “Racial Holy War,” while 14 refers to the number of words in a popular white supremacist slogan. As for 88, each digit stands for the eighth letter of the alphabet, with HH serving as the acronym for “Heil Hitler.” As seen below, Price has a “1488” decal on his truck.

The June 1 e-mail to Kozik came from the account, which Price acknowledged creating in a TSG interview. But he denied sending the state trooper the “declaration of war,” which he described as more of a “press release.” Price claimed that dozens of RaHoWa members from West Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania had access to the Hotmail account and could have forwarded the screed to Kozik.

In a telephone interview and an e-mail to a reporter, however, Price did little to hide his distaste for Kozik. “I am sick and tired of this Kozik guy manufacturing these ridiculous accusations against me,” Price wrote. “Kozik accused me of some crimes I am innocent of, ruined my life…It’s time this guy learn a lesson in respect and humility.” Price also acknowledged complaining about Kozik by name in white supremacist forums, saying that perhaps some unnamed online friends were responsible for harassing the law enforcement agent.

Price, who has a “White Pride” tattoo on his left shin, said that he is being targeted principally because of his white supremacist background and a longstanding antagonistic relationship with local police officials. In fact, an FBI affidavit notes that Price had previously been investigated for a incident in 2009 where he “created a website and posted derogatory information” about a Weirton police officer who was investigating him.

“I don’t deny at all my affiliation with White Power groups.” Price said, though stressing that he did not want his beliefs confused with those “idiotic” neo-Nazi organizations. Price added that he suffers from a schizoaffective disorder and is now on disability, having once worked building and repairing custom computers. (10 pages)