DOCUMENT: Florida, Crime

Woman Lands In Cuffs Over Cuddle Kerfuffle

Boyfriend battered after declining "physical intimacy"

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Cuddle Collar

JULY 1--A Florida Woman yesterday was arrested for domestic battery after attacking her boyfriend because he declined to cuddle with her, police allege.

Investigators say the cuddle kerfuffle began Saturday evening when Jillian Uygun, 22, argued with her beau “regarding victim’s disinterest in defendant engaging in physical intimacy.”

The dispute reignited Sunday morning in the couple’s Seminole residence after Uygun “continually tried to ‘cuddle’ with the victim.” When the man rebuffed the cuddling, police say, Uygun “escalated” the dispute into a physical confrontation.

Uygun allegedly grabbed the victim’s chest hair, scratched his face, bit him on the forehead, and broke his phone.

After being read her rights, Uygun reportedly admitted that she “continued to touch victim multiple times after being repeatedly told to stop.” Uygun “characterized the touching as ‘cuddling,’” an investigator noted.

Seen above, Uygun was arrested for domestic battery, a misdemeanor, and booked into the county jail. She was released from custody today on her own recognizance by a judge who ordered her to, again, have no contact with the victim. (1 page)