Viewers Blitz "Desperate" FCC
Many loved racy "Monday Night Football" locker room reveal
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Viewers Blitz "Desperate" FCC
Viewers Blitz "Desperate" FCC
Viewers Blitz "Desperate" FCC
Viewers Blitz "Desperate" FCC
Viewers Blitz "Desperate" FCC
Viewers Blitz "Desperate" FCC
Viewers Blitz "Desperate" FCC
Viewers Blitz "Desperate" FCC
Viewers Blitz "Desperate" FCC
Viewers Blitz "Desperate" FCC
Viewers Blitz "Desperate" FCC
Viewers Blitz "Desperate" FCC
Viewers Blitz "Desperate" FCC
Viewers Blitz "Desperate" FCC
Viewers Blitz "Desperate" FCC
Viewers Blitz "Desperate" FCC
JANUARY 14--Most TSG reader knows we have a soft spot for letters written to the Federal Communications Commission by disgruntled Americans disgusted by the filth broadcasted over the public airwaves, (whether it be Janet's nipple, Oprah's tossed salad, or Victoria's secrets). In that fine tradition, below you'll find a sampling of some amusing letters sent to the FCC following the November 15 'Monday Night Football' telecast that commenced with a promo short featuring Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver Terrell Owens and towel-clad 'Desperate Housewives' star Nicollette Sheridan. At clip's end, a supposedly naked Sheridan jumps into the arms of a beaming Owens. That little one-on-one coverage did not sit well with many viewers, 1500 of whom penned complaint letters to the FCC seeking fines and other punitive action against ABC/Disney, home to 'Monday Night Football.' But we're not going to focus on that bunch of whiners. Instead, the letters below were drafted by some of the 500+ viewers who wrote Michael Powell & Co. in support of the Owens-Sheridan action. Many attacked Powell, who, after the ABC broadcast, wondered 'if Walt Disney would be proud.' Our favorite FCC correspondent was the apparently gay correspondent who declared, 'You boys have waaay too much time on your hands...Straight people! oy! You'll get rankled over anything!' (15 pages)