Unsafe (Sex) At Any Speed
Car crashes as naked N.J. teens frolic in front-seat

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JULY 8--A teenaged couple having sex as they sped along a New Jersey road were seriously injured Monday night when their car crashed into a utility pole, according to the below police accident report. Cops arriving at the Vineland accident scene found driver Carl Nunez, 18, naked from the waist down and noticed passenger Nicole Dougherty's underwear on the auto's passenger seat. Investigators also discovered an open bottle of Corona beer--and the broken remains of a second bottle--in the crumpled Mitsubishi Mirage. According to the accident report, witness Nery Veliz told cops that he was driving behind the speeding Mitsubishi and saw "a white female who appeared to be naked climb on top of the driver and move as if they were having sex." The vehicle then veered off the roadway, Veliz reported, first striking a mailbox and then slamming into the telephone pole. Neither Nunez or Doughtery, 18, was wearing a seat belt, according to investigators. Nunez was cited for driving without insurance, though additional charges could result from an ongoing police investigation. (5 pages)