Steve Wynn's Bad Dream
Vegas mogul sues Lloyd's over $54 million damaged Picasso claim

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JANUARY 11--Months after he accidentally poked a hole in a Picasso painting, casino magnate Steve Wynn today sued Lloyd's of London for failing to pay off a $54 million insurance claim. Wynn, who purchased the painting 'Le Reve' for $48.4 million in 1997, contends that the painting was worth $139 million when, on September 30, he 'accidentally placed a tear' in it while showing the work (pictured at right) to friends visiting his Las Vegas office. According to Wynn's U.S. District Court complaint, a copy of which you'll find below, the businessman contends that, as a result of the tear, the painting's value has plummeted to $85 million. He has demanded that Llloyd's pay him the difference in the appreciated value of the painting and its post-damage worth. The day before he punctured the painting, Wynn had entered into an agreement with hedge fund titan Steven Cohen to sell 'Le Reve' for $139 million. That deal died after the damage was disclosed to Cohen. Included as an exhibit to Wynn's lawsuit is a 'sworn statement in proof of loss' that likely made knees buckle at Lloyd's. (10 pages)