Sigma Chi Busted
57 Vanderbilt frat boys arrested after raucous campground party

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SEPTEMBER 24--A raucous Vanderbilt University fraternity outing resulted in the arrest of 57 Sigma Chi brothers this weekend, according to Tennessee cops.
The fraternity members were busted early Sunday morning at a campground where they were celebrating the undefeated Vanderbilt football team's victory over the University of Mississippi. The students were carted away after the campground's manager called cops when partiers refused to quiet down in the middle of the night and persisted in setting off fireworks.
As seen in the mug shots on these pages, some of the arrestees appear to have availed themselves of the contents of the many beer kegs cops found strewn at the party site. The camping enthusiasts were booked at the Polk County Sheriff's Office and charged with minor offenses such as disorderly conduct and underage drinking. (7 pages)