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APRIL 30--Here in New York City, it seems that every celebrity--from Howard Stern to Steven Tyler--has been granted a license to carry a concealed weapon. But in northern California, it's the rare Bay Area resident who qualifies to pack a gat. One guy who has passed muster is peacenik actor Sean Penn, who was granted a carry permit last year by the Ross Police Department. In his license application, Penn cited threats that have been directed at him, particularly from an ex-employee whom Penn feared was trying to locate him. The actor said that if the fired assistant found him, "a physical confrontation, possibly involving weapons, would almost surely ensue." As first disclosed by the San Francisco Chronicle, Penn's application acknowledged two arrests and the "recreational use of marijuana," though the 42-year-old performer added that he "has not used any narcotics in the past 20 years." After providing police with a fingerprint card, a series of passport-sized photos, and proof of his attendance at a firearms training class, Penn got the legal okay to pack two gats, a .38-caliber Smith & Wesson and a 9mm Glock (which Penn misspelled as "Glok" in his application). Earlier this month, Penn's car was stolen in Berkeley and when the vehicle was recovered, the two guns were missing. The local cops were kind enough to remind Penn that, though his pieces had been pinched, his license was specifically for the two weapons, so he could not legally arm himself with a substitute sidearm. (7 pages)