Perez Hilton Calls Blogger A Defamer
Gossip kingpin sues online rival over published sex claims

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Perez Hilton Calls Blogger A Defamer
Perez Hilton Calls Blogger A Defamer
Perez Hilton Calls Blogger A Defamer
Perez Hilton Calls Blogger A Defamer
Perez Hilton Calls Blogger A Defamer
Perez Hilton Calls Blogger A Defamer
Perez Hilton Calls Blogger A Defamer
Perez Hilton Calls Blogger A Defamer
Perez Hilton Calls Blogger A Defamer
Perez Hilton Calls Blogger A Defamer
APRIL 9--Perez Hilton claims that a Florida blogger slandered him by claiming the online gossip columnist solicited sexual favors in exchange for help promoting the man's nascent web site.
In an April 8 Los Angeles Superior Court complaint, Hilton (real name: Mario Lavandeira) alleges that Jonathan Lewandowski recently told reporters that he was manipulated into sending sexually explicit videos to Lavandeira, and that the pair had sex and dated.
Lavandeira, 30, charges that these claims are false, adding that Lewandowski (who uses the handle Jonathan Jaxson when blogging) has also invaded his privacy by posting his cell phone number online. In his complaint, an excerpt of which you'll find here, Lavandeira contends that, as a result of the 24-year-old Lewandowski's actions, he has 'suffered loss of his reputation, shame and mortification' and 'mental anguish.'
Lavandeira's lawsuit does not specify monetary damages, but seeks general, special, and punitive damages, and the reimbursement of legal fees from Lewandowski. Hilton declined comment about the lawsuit, while Lewandowski, who had yet to see the complaint, told TSG that he found it 'hilarious' that Lavandeira was suing him. 'I have not lied about him. What Perez did to me was hurtful,' he said. (9 pages)