Davis Warns Over Stolen Laptop
"Private images" of NBA star were on his pilfered computer

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AUGUST 12--A laptop containing "a variety of private images" of NBA star Baron Davis has been stolen and the athlete's lawyers are threatening legal action if the material is published.
Counsel for the the Los Angeles Clippers guard, a two-time All-Star and novice film producer, yesterday sent news outlets a letter threatening legal action over the personal photos, videos, and audio stored on the computer (a copy of the letter sent to TSG by the law firm Lavely & Singer can be found here).
Davis's counsel reported that the laptop theft has been reported to police, who are "investigating the matter." The photos and videos "depict, among other things, a variety of private images of our client, his associates and his colleagues," wrote lawyer William J. Briggs, II. Davis "had a reasonable expectation of enjoying total privacy with regard to the images," Briggs added.
The 30-year-old Davis, who earns about $12 million annually, recently produced "Crips and Bloods," a documentary about the nation's most notorious street gangs. (2 pages)