Michael Vick Cops Felony Plea

NFL star admits role in dog killings, pit bull fighting ring

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Michael Vick Cops Felony Plea

AUGUST 24--Michael 'Ookie' Vick has agreed to plead guilty to a felony charge for his role in the management of a brutal dogfighting ring that was headquartered at a Virginia property owned by the NFL star. Vick, 27, is expected to formally enter his guilty plea Monday in an appearance at U.S. District Court in Richmond. As part of a plea deal, the Atlanta Falcons quarterback admitted that his Bad Newz Kennels operation wagered money--which he provided--in pit bull fights. However, 'Vick did not gamble by placing side bets on any of the fights,' according to a 'summary of the facts' that was filed today in court. That document, a copy of which you'll find below, also notes that Vick 'was aware' that three of his cohorts killed several dogs that performed poorly in test fighting sessions in mid-2002. The summary reports that 'Vick did not kill any dogs at this time.' Earlier this year, Vick, and two cronies 'agreed to the killing of approximately 6-8 dogs' that fared poorly in testing sessions at his Smithfield, Virginia property. Some of the animals were drowned or hanged, and Vick 'stipulated' that the animals died via the 'collected efforts' of himself, and codefendants Quanis Phillips and Purnell Peace. Both Phillips and Peace previously pleaded guilty to federal charges and stated that Vick participated in the execution of eight dogs last April. Vick faces a maximum of five years in prison for his conspiracy conviction. (22 pages)