Michael Jackson Dog Bite Suit
Claim: Nasty husky bit neighbor after leaving singer's property

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JUNE 21--Proving that there's always room on Michael Jackson's legal docket for one more strange entry, the performer is being sued by a Los Angeles woman who claims she was bitten by a dog who escaped from an Encino property owned by the King of Pop. According to the below lawsuit, filed earlier this month in Los Angeles Superior Court, Donna Kyman, 66, was bitten by Flash, a grey/white husky who lives at the Jackson family's Encino compound (the deed to which is in the 46-year-old singer's name). Kyman, who lives several blocks from the Jackson clan's Hayvenhurst Avenue spread, was attacked when the dog appeared in her garage on April 14. The unleashed animal, Kyman claimed, was 'possessed of vicious and dangerous propensities and was inclined to attack people and other animals without provocation.' After Flash was apprehended by animal control officers and tested for rabies, he was returned to the Jackson compound. Also named as a defendant in Kyman's negligence complaint is Alejandra Jackson, the wife of the singer's brother Jermaine (after the biting incident, she was the Jackson who initially contacted Kyman's lawyer, Gordon Benson). Alejandra Jackson told TSG that she bought Flash, 1, for her kids and that the dog got out of the Jackson compound by digging a hole under a perimeter fence the night before the bite. Jackson added that she had not yet been served with Kyman's lawsuit. (4 pages)