Mafia Soldiers Support Bush-Cheney
Two felonious New York wiseguys among GOP ticket's donors

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OCTOBER 25--While the Mafia is not in the habit of endorsing presidential candidates, two Colombo family soldiers have spoken with their bulging wallets--and they want four more years for the Bush/Cheney ticket.
The below Federal Election Commission records show that convicted felons John Staluppi and John Rosatti last year each gave the GOP candidates $2000 (the maximum individual donation). The FBI has identified Staluppi and Rosatti--multimillionaires who own auto dealerships in New York and Florida--as members of the Colombo gang.
Rosatti is pictured at left in an FBI surveillance photo taken at the wake of an organized crime figure.
The two Bush supporters are prized Colombo family "earners" who helped finance an insurgent Colombo faction that once sought to dethrone imprisoned boss Carmine "The Snake" Persico (that bloody early-90s mob war left more than a dozen wiseguys dead). They later switched back to the Persico camp after a jailhouse heart-to-heart with their mob superior, one Dominick "Donny Shacks" Montemarano.
The duo's role with the Colombo family has been discussed by several turncoat Colombo family members, including ex-captain Salvatore Miciotta, who spoke about Staluppi and Rosatti during 1993 FBI debriefings. Click here for excerpts from one FBI report detailing some of those Miciotta observations about his two former cronies. (5 pages)