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AUGUST 20--In his latest legal affronts, so-called 20th hijacker Zacarias Moussaoui mocks the victims of the September 11 attacks, noting that the nation's "9/11 balance sheet show a staggering 3000 deficit" in its "human resources account." In a court filing just unsealed by federal judge (and which you'll find here) Leonie Brinkema, Moussaoui drew a crude "WTC profit & loss account" statement that listed "3000 sons of evils" in the loss column and "19 slaves of Allah" in the profit column. The admitted Osama bin Laden disciple also wrote that victims--who he referred to as "mortgages--could "file for personal bankruptcy in the WTC or sue UBL." While UBL is often used as shorthand for bin Laden, Moussaoui wrote that the acronym stood for "Usama Bombing Limited." In another unsealed document, Moussaoui again attacks Frank Dunham, one of the lawyers Brinkema appointed to assist him in his defense. Casting his prosecution in a cinematic light--he calls it "Moussaoui Deliverance" after the 1972 film starring Burt Reynolds, Jon Voight, and Ned Beatty--the al Qaeda member opposes the "casting" of Dunham in the "Moussaoui WTC blockbuster." There should be "no pig man role" for Dunham in his movie/trial, which Moussaoui stated would be shown at the "World Theatre Cinema." Tickets for the production, Moussaoui noted, could be obtained via "United Booking Limited." (4 pages)