Lawsuit Over Topless Aniston Photo
Studio claims blogger Perez Hilton published "stolen" image

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Lawsuit Over Topless Aniston Photo
Lawsuit Over Topless Aniston Photo
Lawsuit Over Topless Aniston Photo
Lawsuit Over Topless Aniston Photo
Lawsuit Over Topless Aniston Photo
Lawsuit Over Topless Aniston Photo
Lawsuit Over Topless Aniston Photo
Lawsuit Over Topless Aniston Photo
Lawsuit Over Topless Aniston Photo
Lawsuit Over Topless Aniston Photo
FEBRUARY 21--The online publication of a topless photo of Jennifer Aniston has triggered a lawsuit against gossip blogger Perez Hilton.
According to a copyright infringement complaint filed yesterday against Hilton (real name: Mario Lavandeira) by Universal City Studios, the Aniston photo came from footage shot during filming of "The Break-Up." The footage, the studio charges, was stolen during production of the 2006 comedy, which starred Aniston and former boyfriend Vince Vaughn.
The shot of Aniston, 38, was not included in the final version of the hit film, which grossed $118 million last year. Attached to the studio's complaint is a copy of the revealing Aniston image, though Universal lawyers placed a "redacted" mark over the actress's breasts (as seen here).
The lawsuit against Lavandeira, 28, seeks an injunction barring further distribution of the picture and requests a court order "directing the U.S. Marshall to seize" the copyrighted material from the blogger. The complaint does not specify monetary damages.
In an e-mail, Lavandeira wrote that he had not yet seen the Aniston complaint, and would "be in a better position to comment" once his lawyers reviewed the lawsuit. Aniston has been a frequent target of Lavandeira, who has dubbed her "Maniston" and commented harshly on the actress's looks.
This is the second lawsuit filed over the distribution of naked photos of Aniston. In December 2005, the former "Friends" star sued a paparazzi for photographing her topless as she sunbathed outside her L.A. home. That lawsuit ended with a sealed settlement. (9 pages)