Creepy Bra Thief Confesses
Wisconsin man admits to series of bizarre break-ins

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AUGUST 28--A Wisconsin man who broke into a number of women's homes to steal their bras and underwear was charged Tuesday with five counts of felony burglary.
According to an affidavit filed in Winnebago Circuit Court, Christopher Sullivan illegally entered the residences and took undergarments and photographs from at least five women. Later he would superimpose the women's images onto pictures taken from pornographic magazines and mail them to the women along with other creepy pictures that used Barbie dolls as props.
Sullivan, 43, told officers from the Oshkosh Police Department that the mailings were "intended to scare his victims." One of his alleged victims received an envelope with two Polaroids, one with 'three Barbie dolls upside down, naked with their heads cut off' and the other with the woman's head next to a decapitated Barbie and the message "your head will be cut off, skinned, boiled, baked, we will have your skull on our table of sacrifice" written next to the picture.
During questioning, Sullivan told police he chose one of his victims, an upstairs neighbor, because "she and her boyfriend were having very loud sex" and that angered him. He admitted choosing another victim because she "caught his attention" while riding a lawnmower in a bikini. He also told police he would classify himself as a "sexual predator," but his religion prevented him from crossing the line into raping or murdering because that would be a "grave sin."
In a search of his home, police turned up magazines and videos, at least one of which referenced Ted Bundy, as well as three headless Barbie dolls with metal rods through their knees. They also recovered a handwritten "confession" which included an admission that "Recently I sent some threatening letters to; did damage to some property; and stole from some people that made me angry and frustrated."
Sullivan, pictured above in a Winnebago County Sheriff's Office mug shot, faces more than sixty years in prison if convicted on all of the charges. (9 pages)