Courtney Love, Conspiracy Theorist
Crazed singer sees NYPD plot behind March assault rap

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MAY 14--The way Courtney Love sees it, her March arrest for assault actually had nothing to do with her smashing her microphone stand in the face of that poor New York concertgoer. Instead, the bedraggled 39-year-old singer chalks her assault/reckless endangerment to an overarching plot: "The police have a conspiracy against rocker chicks." That is just one of many kooky statements Love made to New York Police Department officers after her March 18 arrest, according to the below disclosure form filed yesterday by Manhattan prosecutors. Love also told an NYPD sergeant that she was getting popped because, "You just want to be famous." Love entered a not guilty plea at her misdemeanor arraignment yesterday in Manhattan's Criminal Court. She then repaired to a courthouse bathroom for a rambling press conference with female reporters, a tactic Martha Stewart never thought to employ. (6 pages)