Bikini Firefighter Burned
Police photo gallery documents Ohio man's 'offensive attire'
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Bikini Firefighter Burned
Bikini Firefighter Burned
Bikini Firefighter Burned
Bikini Firefighter Burned
Bikini Firefighter Burned
Bikini Firefighter Burned
Bikini Firefighter Burned
Bikini Firefighter Burned
Bikini Firefighter Burned
Bikini Firefighter Burned
Bikini Firefighter Burned
Bikini Firefighter Burned
Bikini Firefighter Burned
Bikini Firefighter Burned
Bikini Firefighter Burned
APRIL 5--By now, you're likely aware of the exploits of Steven Cole, the world's most famous volunteer firefighter. The bikini-wearing Ohio man, 46, got himself arrested Tuesday on drunk driving and public indecency charges at Mason's Heritage Oak Park. As seen in the police evidence photos on the following pages, local police extensively memorialized the arrest, from 360-degree views of Cole in his 'very skimpy woman's blue bikini' to the contents of his duffle bag, which was stuffed with other swimwear and women's shoes. One profile shot provides a clear view of the 'tan water balloons' Cole, pictured at right, used to fill out his bikini top. As noted in a police report, an aggrieved citizen, Troy Harphant, told Officer Scott Miller that 'you need to lock up that pervert' after he spotted Cole allegedly fondling himself. (14 pages)