Astronaut: Lisa's No Wack
NASA love triangle victim worried about 'crazy lady' harming her

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MARCH 6--The woman who was allegedly attacked by Lisa Nowak in the bizarre NASA love triangle case once wondered whether the astronaut was 'some crazy lady' who would show up at her door 'trying to kill me.' In an interview with Orlando cops, Colleen Shipman, 30, recalled that at the outset of her relationship with astronaut William Oefelein, she asked about his prior involvement with Nowak, with whom he worked at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston. 'I point blank asked him...are you sure that she's okay with this. Because you know how these things go,' Shipman told investigators in a February 7 interview. 'And I said is there gonna be some crazy lady showing up at my door trying to kill me.' The 41-year-old Oefelein, Shipman said, assured her that, 'No, no, no, she's not like that, she's fine with it, she's happy for me.' That appears to have been a miscalculation on Oefelein's part. Nowak was arrested last month and charged with attempting to kidnap Shipman at the Orlando International Airport. Nowak, a 43-year-old mother of three, was allegedly wearing a disguise when she accosted Shipman and doused her with pepper spray. An assortment of incriminating evidence was found in Nowak's car and handbag following her arrest. (3 pages)