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Lewinsky Uniquely Qualified For New TV Gig
Lewinsky Uniquely Qualified For New TV Gig
Lewinsky Uniquely Qualified For New TV Gig
Lewinsky Uniquely Qualified For New TV Gig
Lewinsky Uniquely Qualified For New TV Gig
Lewinsky Uniquely Qualified For New TV Gig
Lewinsky Uniquely Qualified For New TV Gig
Lewinsky Uniquely Qualified For New TV Gig
Lewinsky Uniquely Qualified For New TV Gig
Lewinsky Uniquely Qualified For New TV Gig
Lewinsky Uniquely Qualified For New TV Gig
Lewinsky Uniquely Qualified For New TV Gig
Lewinsky Uniquely Qualified For New TV Gig
Lewinsky Uniquely Qualified For New TV Gig
Lewinsky Uniquely Qualified For New TV Gig
APRIL 14--As you may have heard, Monica Lewinsky is joining the reality television game, hosting "Mr. Personality," an "unscripted" Fox dating show that debuts next Monday. According to the network, the program features a "young, beautiful, single woman" who courts a variety of men, all of whom wear masks so that the gal has to pick her mate based on something other than his looks. Along with hosting, Lewinsky will serve as the bachelorette's confidante, offering dating and other advice. Which is, of course, pretty funny given Lewinsky's track record. To that end, we've dug into our archive for a large excerpt from one of our favorite documents, a 1998 report of a, um, debriefing of the former White House intern by agents working for the Office of the Independent Counsel (she talked in detail about her stormy relationship with President Bill Clinton). While others got bogged down in the grimy minutiae of the affair, TSG found beauty in the details of the duo's illicit coupling. To wit, here's how Lewinsky described one White House encounter: "A ray of sunshine was shining directly on Lewinsky's face while she performed oral sex to completion on the President. The President remarked about Lewinsky's beauty." Talk about Mr. Personality! (14 pages)
This Clinton crony took off his clothes for a very good reason.