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PATRIOT?: Super Bowl QB Tom Brady has poor record at polls
SETTLED: Courteney Cox pays up in swindle case
JANUARY 27--She may have copped last month to a drunk driving rap, but that hasn't stopped Wynonna Judd from demanding that promoters provide her with wine and beer during her current concert tour. According to the country singer's contract rider--current "as of 1/9/04" --Judd requires a bottle of Pinot Noir in her dressing room and a post-show case of imported beer in her custom tour bus. In November, Nashville cops busted Judd, 39, for DWI following a traffic stop (her blood alcohol content was nearly twice Tennessee's .08 limit). She pleaded guilty in mid-December and was sentenced to probation, ordered to surrender her driver's license for a year, and directed to perform 200 hours of community service. Wynonna's next public gig (she does various private concerts) is February 19, when she appears at a livestock/rodeo show in San Antonio. (3 pages)