Walmart Pleasure Seeker Barred From Retail Giant
Plea deal spares indecent exposer a jail sentence

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DECEMBER 1--The Florida man arrested after he was caught masturbating in the toy aisle of a Walmart with the aid of a Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue has cut a plea deal that bars him from future visits to the retail giant “or any store where children’s toys are sold,” court records show.
As part of a plea deal to indecent exposure and battery charges, William Tyler Black was sentenced to two years of community control, a more severe version of probation that often includes a curfew. Black, 28, will also be subjected to GPS monitoring, according to a Sarasota Circuit Court document that stipulates “no contact w/ Walmart.”
The deal spares Black, who spent a month in custody following his September 14 arrest, further jail time. The conviction, though, will likely have a negative impact on Black’s career as a substitute teacher. Black is pictured in the above mug shot.
When confronted by cops, Black admitted that he had been masturbating in the store’s toy aisle, claiming that he was driven to the lewd act after he spotted “some pretty girls which made him aroused.” He told officers that he “grabbed a magazine and then found a back aisle and began to masturbate until he relieved himself on the floor,” according to a probable cause affidavit.
The magazine he selected was the 2010 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue featuring model Brooklyn Decker on its cover. [Update: Crime scene photos revealed that Black actually opted for SI’s $11.99 “Swimsuit Portfolio,” a bound volume also featuring Decker on its cover.]
A Walmart worker told investigators that Black “ejaculated onto the floor and wiped his hand on a toy along with rubbing his foot in the suspected semen on the floor.” He then “discarded the magazine behind some toys and proceeded to the front of the store,” employees reported. The defiled toy was a lightsaber (apparently of the "Star Wars" variety), according to a law enforcement source.
Though Black--who claimed he was shopping for a toy for his daughter--assured arresting officers that, “I swear I’m not a pervert,” and offered to clean up his mess, he was nonetheless charged with a felony and a misdemeanor. One charge, battery on a child, was filed since a “reasonable person would believe that a child would come in contact with the fluid on the toy being that it was left in the toy aisle of the store.” (4 pages)
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