
Strange Apparition Appears On Office Wall, Pancake Jesus Takes Note

Coinciding with our site’s redesign (and the introduction of this blog), TSG is decamping from our current office in midtown Manhattan to the Time Warner Center Mall at Columbus Circle.

While not sad to leave behind our roach-infested urinal, we will miss one thing at 600 Third Avenue: A mysterious cartographic apparition that appeared one day near the elevator bank. Granted, while it does not carry the religious significance of Pancake Jesus, Cinnamon Bun Mother Teresa, Virgin Mary toast, or Water Park Jesus, this bubbled paint is a miracle of sorts.

The source of the leak that created this bas relief will likely never be known. Though Nancy Grace once worked upstairs from us, so perhaps it was the cascading tears of some browbeaten production assistant.

Comments (1)

The Texas swoop into Mexico or the Gulf there of is not a bad thing.