PedEgg Accused Of Gross Injustice
Model couple sues over appearance in ubiquitous, revolting TV spot

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PedEgg Accused Of Gross Injustice
PedEgg Accused Of Gross Injustice
PedEgg Accused Of Gross Injustice
PedEgg Accused Of Gross Injustice
PedEgg Accused Of Gross Injustice
PedEgg Accused Of Gross Injustice
PedEgg Accused Of Gross Injustice
PedEgg Accused Of Gross Injustice
PedEgg Accused Of Gross Injustice
JUNE 25--You're not the only one revolted by that ubiquitous commercial for the PedEgg, the low-rent foot care device hawked nonstop on cable TV. Two Florida foot models featured in the spot allege that they were duped into appearing in the commercials and claim that the PedEgg's manufacturer even applied "horror make-up" to one of their feet prior to shooting "before and after" footage.
Married models Kelly Parks-Corso and Jonathan Corso allege that they were each paid a few hundred dollars for filming last year, but that they never negotiated a separate agreement covering the actual airing of the PedEgg commercials. In a Florida Circuit Court lawsuit, a copy of which you'll find here, the Corsos allege that they were "shocked" to discover the "cheap, low quality" PedEgg commercial was being broadcast worldwide without their permission.
The couple alleges that the commercial, which can be viewed at right, portrays them in a "negative light" and was supposed to be an "Internet-only infomercial." Instead, the ad "has now run all over the world," the complaint notes, and even can be seen playing on a loop in retail outlets like Bed Bath & Beyond, said Jonathan David, the Corsos's lawyer.
Prior to the July 2007 filming, a makeup artist added "artificial bumps and discoloration" to Kelly's feet in order to "make a 'before' shot for comparison in a 'before-and-after' scheme," the June 23 complaint charges. David told TSG that the makeup artist said that he exclusively did "horror makeup," which might be of concern to truth-in-advertising sticklers.
Kelly Parks-Corso, who has long curly red hair, is seen at the commercial's outset putting on panty hose, and then later in the spot wearing a green skirt. Her husband is seen sitting on a couch. The Corsos each have appeared in a wide range of commercials for firms like Wal-Mart, Royal Caribbean, and Giorgio Armani, said David. Additionally, in 2003 they were contestants on CBS's "The Amazing Race," finishing second in the around-the-world reality show.
The Corsos's lawsuit, which does not specify monetary damages, accuses the PedEgg's manufacturer and the commercial's producers of unauthorized use of their names and likenesses, negligence, and fraud. (8 pages)