Bin Laden's Murder Manual

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Bin Laden's Murder Manual

With Osama bin Laden emerging as the prime suspect behind the World Trade Center and Pentagon carnage, TSG is presenting these excerpts from a terrorism manual that U.S. investigators say has been used by followers of the Saudi lunatic.

The manual, "Military Studies in the Jihad Against the Tyrants," was discovered by authorities in May 2000 in the Manchester, England home of a bin Laden follower. An English translation of the 180-page Arabic document was introduced into evidence during the recent embassy bombing trial in New York federal court.

The manual offers jihad members instruction on an array of terrorist techniques, including:

Page 1: "The dialogue of bullets."

Page 2: "Blasting and destroying."

Pages 3-4: Forged documents.

Page 5: Security measures in public transportation.

Page 6: Definition of Special Operations.

Pages 7-8: "Guidelines for Beating and Killing Hostages."

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