Sex A No-No For Teacher Named Bobo
Arkansas woman charged with felony assault of boy, 14

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NOVEMBER 21--Meet Deanna Bobo. The 37-year-old Arkansas woman is the 3,496th teacher to be arrested this year on charges that she had sex with an underage student (in this case, a 14-year-old boy). Bobo, a special ed teacher at Raymond E. Wells Junior High School, is facing a felony sexual assault count for her alleged encounters earlier this year with the student. Bobo, who was arrested last week and released on a $10,000 bond, is pictured below in a Sebastian County Adult Detention Center mug shot. According to an arrest affidavit, cops found sexually explicit e-mails between Bobo and the boy when they executed a search warrant at her home, which she shares with husband Rusty Bobo, an oilfield mechanic, and the couple's five children. As a condition of Bobo's release, a Circuit Court judge ordered that she avoided any contact with the boy and his family. While Bobo has been put on a paid suspension, her bio remains online at the Wells Junior High School web site. It notes that she has a bachelor's degree in early childhood education and has been certified as an 'early childhood instructional specialist.' Indeed. (3 pages)