Church Volunteer In Sleazy Sex Bust
Texas woman sent dozens of "very dirty" letters to 15-year-old boy

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NOVEMBER 18--Meet Amanda White. The 27-year-old Texas woman, a Baptist church volunteer, has been charged with posing as a teenage girl and engaging in phone sex with a 15-year-old boy she anonymously courted with steamy love letters. White is facing a felony rap for the criminal solicitation of a minor, since she wrote to the boy seeking sex (along with giving him bras, condoms, and lubricant). According to a detailed (and rather creepy) Municipal Court arrest warrant, a copy of which you can find here, White told a Burnet Police Department investigator that her 'very dirty' letters to the boy 'started as a game and then it had gotten out of control.' White acknowledged that 'she knew that it was wrong to write the letters' and was aware that the recipient of her 50-75 missives was a minor. For his part, the boy told cops that he anticipated having sex with 'Mandy,' adding that he invited her to his high school's homecoming, though she 'did not show up.' Making matters worse, the report notes that the boy (whose name was redacted from the document by court officials) has a 'mental problem from an auto accident when he was a child.' If convicted of the cruel charade, White, who is pictured below in a Burnet County Sheriff's Office booking photo, faces a maximum of 10 years in a prison. She has been bounced from her duties at Burnet's Victory Baptist Church, where White's husband also volunteers. (4 pages)