Knucklehead Nabbed In "Dirty Bomb" Hoax
Feds bust Wisconsin man, 20, over football stadium attack claim

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OCTOBER 20--A 20-year-old Wisconsin man was charged today in connection with an online hoax that threatened 'dirty bomb' attacks this weekend at seven U.S. football stadiums. Jake Brahm was nabbed for allegedly posting the online threats, which warned that the death toll for the purported October 22 attacks (which he dubbed 'America's Hiroshima') 'will approach 100,000 from the initial blasts and countless other fatalities will later occur as result from radioactive fallout.' Brahm, a grocery store clerk, surrendered today in Milwaukee on the criminal charge, which was filed in New Jersey, home to Giants Stadium, one of the supposed attack targets. A copy of the federal criminal complaint can be found below. Brahm, pictured at right in a mug shot, apparently penned the threats as part of a harebrained contest with another man to see who could circulate the scariest Internet threat. This knucklehead behavior may not come as a surprise to anyone familiar with Brahm's other online activity via MySpace and an ambitious blog on which he recorded all of his 2006 masturbatory activity. In his most recent MySpace blog entry, Brahm, an avowed Japanese pornography enthusiast, mentioned Iran's president: 'I admire Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,' he wrote. In a separate post, he listed his hobbies as 'masturbating, watching foreign language films, playing cards, drumming, and sleeping. One day I hope to leave my house.' (3 pages)