Tom DeLay Indicted
House Republican power hit with felony conspiracy rap

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SEPTEMBER 28--House Majority Leader Tom DeLay was hit today with a felony conspiracy indictment for his alleged involvement in a Texas campaign finance scheme. The powerful Republican congressman was named, along with two political associates, in an indictment handed up by a Travis County grand jury. A copy of that indictment is below. The conspiracy count charges DeLay, 58, and associates John Colyandro and Jim Ellis with wrongdoing in connection with the operation of Texans for a Republican Majority, a political action committee founded by the politician. Since House GOP rules require leaders to step down if charged criminally, DeLay immediately announced that he was relinquishing his leadership post. DeLay, who has repeatedly denied wrongdoing in connection with the PAC's operations, has said that the Texas probe was politically motivated by Travis County District Attorney Ronnie Earle, a Democrat. The Republican pol represents Texas's 22nd congressional district, which covers suburbs outside of Houston. (4 pages)