Wife Forced Into "Sex Slave" Agreement?
Contract spells out "duties of servitude" and punishment scale

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MAY 1--A kinky "slavery contract" may play a central role in a messy divorce case involving a Wisconsin businessman and his estranged wife, who allegedly agreed to the bizarre pact several years before their 2005 marriage.
The six-page unsigned pact, a copy of which you'll find here, spells out explicit rules for the relationship between "Master" Kevin Anderson and "slave" Kimberly O'Brien. The contract, which notes that it is "no way legally binding in a court of law," also stipulates what kind of punishment would be meted out by Anderson, 50, if O'Brien, 45, violated its terms.
The contract was filed as an exhibit to a civil complaint filed in late-March by O'Brien, who claims that her estranged husband forced her into the slavery deal and later beat her for violating a separate demand that she remain naked at all times while in the couple's home.
As first reported by the Pioneer Press's Kevin Harter, O'Brien's complaint seeks $60 million in damages from Anderson, who has denied her abuse allegations.
A similarly bizarre "Contract of Wifely Expectations" surfaced in mid-February in connection with prosecution of Travis Frey, an Iowa man who was convicted last month of sex abuse and domestic assault. (6 pages)