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December 13, 2024Pair up mug shots with each suspect's alleged crime
December 9, 2024Man, 72, hit hovering target with single 9mm shot
- Hey, I know. Instead of maintaining a fleet of school busses and professional drivers to drive them, let's cut all that from school funding and make the kids ride Ubers instead. Think of all the money we could reallocate to tax cuts for the wealthy [Facep
- "Scientists" claim that eating a single hot dog removes 1/2 an hour off your life. Scientists have also declared Joey Chestnut the one and true Lich King. All hail the Lich King [Repeat]
- "Political prisoner" freed by CNN reporter on camera was actually Assad's Top Torturer from the Syrian Air Force. In other news, combining torture & flying means Syria has figured out Spirit Air's trade secrets [Followup]