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4/8 UPDATE: Stern's "Sphincterine" broadcast triggers $495K FCC fine
MARCH 31--Pointing to a supposedly "indecent" Howard Stern broadcast late last month, a Republican Senator has told Viacom boss Mel Karmazin that the King of All Media has already violated the media giant's new beefed-up decency policies. To support his claim, made in a March 30 letter, Senator Sam Brownback attached the below partial transcript from the offending Stern show, which featured a racy interview with Rick Salomon, who co-starred with ex-girlfriend Paris Hilton in the videotape seen 'round the world. In his letter to Karmazin, Brownback specifically asked, "can you explain how lines 5 through 11 are not indecent under the FCC rules." While we're waiting for Karmazin's response to the Kansas pol, at least this time Mel doesn't have to explain away talk about blumpkins and such. (3 pages)