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LINEUP: Yankee slugger's name surfaces in sports steroid scandal
FEBRUARY 19--In addition to the deadly gamma rays, there's another reason to avoid those icky tanning salons. It seems that the owners of these businesses like to secretly videotape patrons as they disrobe and enter those glowing pods. The latest creep to get nailed for such cinema verite is Mark Huffman, the 43-year-old owner of Maximum Exposure, an aptly named Reading, Ohio tanning joint. Huffman, pictured in the above mug shot from the Hamilton County Sheriff's Office, was nabbed earlier this week when a male customer noticed what appeared to be a camera hidden in a wall fan, according to the below Reading Police Department report. When cops arrived, they found evidence of Huffman's clandestine taping operation, as well as pot plants and kiddie porn. (2 pages)