"Omarosa" Trademark Sought For Clothing Line
Trademark sought for "Apprentice" villain clothing line

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MAY 20--In addition to Donald Trump's dismissive "You're Fired," another chilling term from NBC's "The Apprentice" is the subject of a filing with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. That's right, get ready for Omarosa™.
A Florida woman last month filed to trademark the delusional Ms. Manigault-Stallworth's distinctive first name so she can slap it on clothing items. Miami Beach's Stephanie Harari did not return TSG e-mails, so we're not sure who she thinks would actually wear items bearing the handle of reality TV's pompous serial liar. Here you'll find a copy of Harari's April 21 trademark application.
Days before the filing, Manigault-Stallworth's manager bragged to the New York Post about the many commercial opportunities being presented to her client, including how a fashion company (which Delaney would not identify) wanted to market corporate attire under the Omarosa brand name. Yeah, like that's gonna really happen. (3 pages)