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AUGUST 28--The gentlemen from 'N Sync have been called everything from no-talents to tone deaf, but the city fathers in Columbus, Ohio have a new name for the group: deadbeats. According to representatives with the Columbus Division of Income Tax, the band has stiffed the city on a four-figure tax bill stemming from concerts the group performed in 2000 and 2001. Seems that entertainers and athletes are hit with a small levy on income earned in Columbus--and the city actually expects the tax to be paid. But when 'N Sync did not come up with the cash--and ignored eight subsequent deficiency notices--the city filed two Municipal Court lawsuits against the group seeking overdue taxes and penalty fees. When those actions were also ignored, the city recently secured default judgments in the Franklin County courthouse. Along with naming 'N Sync's corporate entity, Zeeks, Inc., the Columbus officials also listed Justin Timberlake, J.C. Chasez, Lance Bass, and Joey Fatone as individual debtors (the boy band's fifth member, Chris Kirkpatrick, apparently paid his taxes in a timely fashion). While the judgments sought $8314, the city last week lowered that figure to $4254 after discussions with the group's business manager. While the four grand won't help much with the city's gaping budget deficit, 'N Sync finally forked over the dough yesterday, according to a Columbus spokesman. (6 pages)