TAGS: al-Qaeda
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February 6, 2025
Creep, 63, is locked up without bail on 21 felony charges
May 4, 2015DOCUMENT: al-Qaeda, Terry JonesIslam-hating pastor was approached at Florida mall
January 11, 2015DOCUMENT: al-Qaeda, Anwar al-Awlaki, FBI, prostitutionImam Anwar al-Awlaki was a huge fan of prostitutes
December 9, 2014
September 28, 2011
March 10, 2009DOCUMENT: 9/11, al-Qaeda, Guantanamo BayGitmo detainees defend killings, mock USA in new war crimes filing
February 28, 2007DOCUMENT: al-Qaeda, Burger King, fast food, Jose Padilla, Taco Bell, terrorismGovernment review finds Jose Padilla competent to face terror rap
July 12, 2006DOCUMENT: al-Qaeda, CIA, Guantanamo BaySecret report details detainee organizing, recruiting tactics
June 1, 2004DOCUMENT: al-Qaeda, Jose PadillaDeclassified document details al-Qaeda soldier's U.S. bomb plots
September 16, 2002