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COIFFED: Pool camera catches Bush in candid moment.
MARCH 21--Charles Moose, the Maryland police chief who headed the slipshod Beltway Sniper investigation, will not be cashing in on his role in the murder probe. The Montgomery County Ethics Commission has ruled that Moose, 49, will not be allowed to write a book or consult on a made-for-TV movie about the sniper case. In a decision released yesterday--and which you'll find below--the ethics group stated that it "is not in the best interest of the County to allow its employees to 'trade on' their government activities for private gain in such a direct and immediate fashion." In January, Moose, law enforcement's public face in the search for accused killers John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo, signed a deal with Dutton to write a book entitled, "Three Weeks in October: The Manhunt for the D.C. Sniper." (6 pages)