
What Is Donald Trump, Newborn Birther, Trying To Hide From Us?

3/29 UPDATE: Possible proof of Trump U.S. birth uncovered

What is Donald Trump hiding?

The multimillionaire developer has, overnight, become a leading voice of the “birther” movement, members of which doubt that President Barack Obama was born in the United States (and, thus, is unable to produce an authentic U.S. birth certificate).

“It’s inconceivable that, after four years of questioning, the president still hasn’t produced his birth certificate,” Trump told Newsmax. “I’m just asking President Obama to show the public his birth certificate. Why’s he making an issue out of this?" To prove how easy it was for a household employee to find his birth certificate, Trump, 64, crowed, “It took me one hour to get my birth certificate.”

As seen above, he provided the conservative web site with what he purports to be his birth certificate.

Except the document is not an official New York City birth certificate, but rather a document generated by Jamaica Hospital, where Trump’s mother Mary reportedly gave birth in June 1946. Official birth certificates are issued (and maintained) by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s Office of Vital Records.

So, what is Trump trying to conceal?

On a possibly related note, Jamaica Hospital has been the recipient of significant financial largesse from the Trump family. In fact, the Queens institution includes the Trump Pavilion, a nursing and rehabilitation facility that was named for Mary Trump.

[If The Donald wants to hunt in his sock drawer for the official birth certificate, he should look for a document that includes an official Department of Health stamp and resembles city forms like ones used decades ago, like this or this.]

Comments (161)

Apparently there is an entire class of people like Trump that are so rich, they literally don't have to follow the rules the rest of us little people follow. I've had to come up with my birth certificate multiple times: Each time I moved to a new state I had to show it to get a DL, when I went to different public schools, when I got a passport, etc. Also I had to stand in a long line. Me. Myself. I wasn't allow to send some servant to stand in line for me.
Trump knows exactly what he is doing. He knows full well it isn't the Long Form Birth Certificate. If it's good enough for "President Obama" to not show his long form it's good enough for Trump, right?
Yes, it must be nice to be rich and have things easier for you. We should all aspire to do so instead of being content to live off the government and never be able to reach our full potential or instead of listening to Democrats who tell you to hate the rich, thus quashing your ambitions to succeed. The little people (and I don't mean short people) are in that class because they choose to be or they just don't work hard enough to achieve success.
The claims by some that Obama isn't an American born citizen would be laughable if it weren't further proof that America has fully earned its #25 ranking on the list of "Most Educated Countries". And, it is a comfort to know that Trump & morons who follow similar 'conspiracy theories' occupy their time with these ridiculous fantasies. As though the McCain campaign never thought to try to discredit him in every way.... LOL. Anyway, here is a real life, un-biased FACT-based source. (Pics & all!!) http://factcheck.org/elections-2008/born_in_the_usa.html Just, don't give it to the idiot 'billionaire'. Please. We don't need him, or the sheeple that believe his drivel, doing anything that could actually matter. Peace!
Unbiased??? Reeeeally? "It's true because I read it on the interwebz!" Who is being ignorant. Obama's father was Kenyan -- you'll admit that. Obama's mother was outside the United States for over ... well go read the law. Information is out there. Trump is likely a shill for the Clintons. He's not a serious candidate. They know Barry is incompetent and likely to lose. Want him out of the way. Hillary "retiring" means starting her campaign to oust him. Neither Barry Sorento (his real name) nor his wife are licensed attorneys. She lost her license in 1993 and worked in "community outreach" for the hospital Zero funneled federal money to. But different rules for Barry, right? Isn't requiring less of a (half) black man the real sign of racism??
It could be that Obama's problem with his birth right is that he might well have been born in Hawaii (or Guam as has been reported, also). But, after his father abandoned him and his mother and after his mother married the Muslim man named Soterro, they all moved to Indonesia where Obama lost his citizenship and he never sought to get it back or he got it back in some illegal way which isn't unusual for a Democrat, especially one who's a lawyer.... which by the way, Obama's law degree needs to be investigated, too. So, his citizenship is what needs to be investigated and not necessarily his birth certificate.
LOL....Some of the ignorance about the most basic of citizenship facts is astounding......Obama was very obviously a minor when he went to Indonesia and very obviously still a minor when the family moved back from Indonesia few years later. The only way anyone born in USA can lose their citizenship is to renounce it. A minor cannot ever renounce their USA citizenship and no parent can renounce their minor child's citizenship on their behalf. In fact there is absolutely nothing, no matter how wild or unlikely you make it, that Obama, his parents or anyone else could do that would result in him losing his citizenship......so if he was born in USA it is simply impossible for him to have "lost" his citizenship while in Indonesia no matter what happened there. By all means investigate anything you like about his citizenship....but if he was born in USA your theoretical scenario is quite clearly dead in the water.
Obama never 'lost' his citizenship. People from all over the world seek to give birth on American soil for the sole fact that once their offspring are born in the U.S.A., they are American citizens FOR LIFE. The only way an American would 'lose' their citizenship is if they formally renounced it (which a minor is not entitled to do, nor are their parents allowed to do on their behalf) OR they were not born in America and violate one of the many terms of the oath one who gains citizenship through naturalization makes upon their swearing in day. The official State Department website holds many facts regarding citizenship... (yes, that's a hint to check the FACTS...).
Safiana, just because Jose and Yolanda give birth to baby Jesus on U.S. soil does not mean he is eligible for POTUS. You must be born of two citizen parents. Your argument is irrelevant. You my dear, need to check your facts.
Unfortunately for at least 200 years all courts in USA up to and including the Supreme Court says you are wrong. If you disagree cite one example of any court ruling that born on USA soil to any parents does not satisfy the requirements of natural born citizen or cite any civics text book that says that. Or you could cite one example of a two parent citizen eligibility requirement being mentioned in connection with any President in the last 200 years prior to election of the scary black guy with the foreign name (bearing in mind also that there have been at least 9 previous Presidents who would fail such an eligibility test if it existed). Distasteful as the notion may be, the child of Osama Bin Laden and the Iranian Ayatollah's daughter, born while they were in USA on a terrorist mission, would be 'eligible' for POTUS....but of course in practice would be unelectable. The existing system works, that's why no President with questionable allegiance has ever been elected . It ain't broke so don't try to fix it just because you don't like this guy. You have another fair and reasonable remedy to get rid of him, vote him out. You need to check YOUR facts.